Vampireal Armarium

вторник, 16 февраля 2021

Нет ничего больше неба над моей головой...

15:06 Sailor Moon Drops
❤ Happy Valentine's Day! ❤
We have some good and some bad news.
The bad news: In our current round of beta testers, only one (!) person is providing us feedback. The others are indeed playing. but they play quietly. Ok, that could also mean, that they are happy with what they have, so maybe not bad news at all. But no feedback does not really help us. No feedback = no progress = no release.
The good news: To avoid the "Cyberpunk-Phenomena" (A game gets released unpolished and buggy, cause marketing and sales force developers to keep a promised release date; Community is unhappy), we will start another beta test session with much more testers. When? Soon™ 🙂 We will announce it in a post, so please stay tuned. You do have liked our page, don't you? 😉
Oh, and we will add another FAQ soon.
Thank you so much for your patience, especially in these difficult times we are in.
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17.02.2021 в 04:42

17.02.2021 в 04:42
Хорошая новость, что проект в принципе жив.
Плохая - что ж так долго-то...

18.02.2021 в 11:22

18.02.2021 в 11:22
=(Mari)=, и судя по всему на коленке. Эх.

20.02.2021 в 00:30

20.02.2021 в 00:30
Ну там же голый энтузиазм один.

20.02.2021 в 16:25

20.02.2021 в 16:25
Да, удивительно, что рыпается еще кто-то.